
Kiosk Setup

You have your kiosk, let's get it setup.

Setup steps

  1. Location
  2. Power
  3. Internet
  4. Application setup
  5. Ongoing Maintenance


Picking a location is important, so much it has its own article, Where should I place my kiosk?


Your kiosk comes with an outlet cover, please install it. The biggest issue our clients face after initial installation is the device getting unplugged. Outlet cover needs to be secured with a pad lock or strong zip-tie whichever meets the needs of your organization.


Even if your device comes equipped with 4G service, we recommend you connect the device to wifi as this generally is more stable than the 4G. If you don't have wifi, or you know the 4G will be better than the wifi, please use the 4G. For tips on connecting the iPad to wifi see this guide: iPad wifi Setup

Application Setup

Your device should come with some charge, however you may need to charge it prior to setup.

  1. Power on device
  2. Open the "Pulse Kiosk" app, if your device has two "Pulse" apps, please use the one that says "Pulse Kiosk" and contact with help removing the second app.
  3. On initial setup, the app will ask for a registration code, you can find this on the survey dashboard under the "survey links" button in the upper right corner.
App Registration
  1. Enter the registration code and name the device. Pro-tip, if you have more than one kiosk for a survey, make sure this name is unique to each device to make support easier.

Ongoing Maintenance

Generally, if you have followed all of the above your device won't need much maintenance. However if you ever need to exit the survey to do maintenance see this guide here: How to exit survey A few maintenance tasks that may come up:

  • Longterm loss of internet, our system can handle intermittent internet and will capture responses and sync them up once back online. However if there is a long term internet issue you may need to tend to the device, change the wifi or use the 4G.
  • Power issues, assuming you installed the outlet cover, this should be a rare event, but you may have to troubleshoot power issues.
  • iOS updates, generally we don't update the iOS operating system, however if we need to update the device, we will need your assistance. Updates can be automated but after update we will need you to tap a few buttons on the device to get it ready again.